You can find the gallery in Hedefors Bruk, Stenkullen. About 15 minutes north of Gothenburg. Exit 86, the Kastenhof road that takes you to Hedefors Bruk. It takes about 3 minutes from the E20 to reach Hedefor's factories.
The HHS Gallery is at the bottom of the area. When you've driven as far down as you can, turn around and drive the back up a few metres. Parking space available.
A little info about Hedefors Bruk
In 1795, Fredric Hummel started Sweden's first cotton spinning mill, which soon became widely known. The business flourished and reached its peak in 1834, only to start losing turnover the following year. Competition from other spinning mills combined with difficult transport were two reasons for this, and when the spinning mill's main building burned in 1846, an era came to an end. Hedefor's factories began to be built in 1876 on the initiative of P A Åkerlund.
Öppetider : Under vintertid är det öppet under events. Kolla alltid Instagram @hhsgalleri_brandstationen eller här på denna sidan.
Mellan Mars - oktober kommer jag ha öppet de flesta lördagar mellan 11.00 -15.00 men ni är även välkomna att besöka mig på en tid som passar oss båda.
Under utställningar med mig eller andra konstnärer kommer öppen tiderna variera men oftast vara
Lördag 11.00 - 15.00
Söndag 11.00 - 15.00
HedeforsbrukHedeforsvägen 9 ( Byggnad 418, Det lilla huset längst ner i området)
443 61 Stenkullen
Here you will find us!
Hedeforsvägen 9 Building 410
(Back facing Säveån)
443 61 Stenkullen
Drive to the bottom of the area. Located before Lerums Bridge.
HHDesign/ HHS Gallery: +46 (0) 703 120970 Reach Helena: +46 (0) 704383561